The Battles Begin
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
It would be wonderful to think that our new lives in Christ would be trouble free, but there are spiritual battles going on for our souls. It may sound mystical or superstitious, but if we believe that the Bible is true and we are filled with the Holy Spirit who "guides us in all truth" (John 16:13), we won't hesitate to acknowledge this reality no matter how strange it seems to our modern senses. We have three enemies and, most importantly, the weapons with which to battle them.
Romans 6:12, Galations 5:17
How can we be our own enemy? And what does it mean to, as the Bible says, battle with our flesh? Our mortal bodies here on earth are filled with evil desires, but they're not always the obvious ones. Yes, lying, stealing, cheating, killing, and otherwise hurting others is clearly evil. People who claim to be Christians (but aren't) as well as most people throughout the world (regardless of faith) would agree with that. But many of us fool ourselves into thinking that we're in good standing with God because we believe in Him and don't do any of those really bad things.
An authentic Christian, though, knows the battle is much deeper. As mentioned earlier, when God saved us, he upended and reoriented our entire view of the world. We are radically different now, but our intense desires for comfort, security, and pleasure never fully go away. We know we wake up each morning wanting to do what we want to do, and our natural inclination is to find our joy in the things we can see and feel. It is selfish and sinful to the core, but not easy to resist!
Do you need a good job and money in the bank to experience joy in life? Do you need a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, children, or other relatives' love to find joy? Do you need your loved ones to be well to find joy? Do you need good looks or good health to find joy? Do you need a house in a nice neighborhood or your favorite hobby/activity to find joy? Do you need talents and admiration to find joy? Most of these look like good things, so what's wrong with centering our lives around pursuing them?
Simply put, it's because God needs to be the center of our lives. (Matt. 22:37-38) If you're not looking for joy in God alone, above all earthly things, you're simply using Him to get whatever makes you happy.
These tendencies run so deep, even for authentic Christians, that the battle to keep God, not us, at the center of our lives is our greatest struggle.
1 John 2:15-17, 2 Corinthians 4:4, John 12:31
Even when we start our days seeking to put God first in all things, we quickly face a world that doesn't know Him. The distractions are endless and the realities of life on this side of heaven can easily consume our thoughts. The legitimate need to put food on the table, to care for our loved ones, and to manage our resources and relationships requires us to operate in this place that's not our home.
Things move fast, the pace is exhausting, and people can be challenging. I believe it's only become more difficult in recent years as we now have constant notifications on our cell phones, texts, e-mails, 24/7 news cycles, and access to literally all the information and media in the world at our fingertips. We're reminded who the bad people are (usually from another political party, race, or social class) so we focus mental energy on anger and fear instead of love and truth. We're bombarded with subtle, and not-so-subtle, temptations that we carry in our pockets everywhere we go.
We must monitor what we watch, and how much time we spend watching it. What captures most of our attention will capture our hearts and minds, so be vigilant!
All of these distractions serve a single purpose: to keep God out of our thoughts, out of our hearts, and out of the center of our lives.
John 10:10
The supernatural is real. If we believe that there is a God in heaven who created the universe, that He sent His son to die for us, and that His son was raised from the dead, it shouldn't be a stretch to believe that Satan is also real. Though it's unwise to blame every life challenge on him, it's equally unwise to ignore the reality of his existence.
The Bible says that "your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8) He will use many tactics to destroy our faith, and the most dangerous can be the most subtle. The unhealthy thoughts and temptations that enter our minds often come from the evil one. He is "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44) and he is relentless in his attacks on those of us who have been born again.
How difficult is it to sense God's presence in our lives when our minds are filled with doubt, guilt, painful memories, worries, fears, bitterness, regret, and resentment? Extremely so! And Satan is a master of planting those seeds in our minds hoping they'll take root.
And not only will he burden us with those emotions, worse still, he will cause us to doubt God. "There is not a doctrine of the gospel which he will not tempt you to doubt, there is not a holy thing which he will not urge you to blaspheme."² If he can pull you away from trust in God, Satan believes he can win the battle.
Ephesians 6:11
How do we fight in these battles for our souls? Thankfully, God gives us clear guidance throughout scripture:
Read the Bible Daily: Just like we need food for strengthening our bodies, reading God's Word has the power to strengthen our spirits. "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword..." (Hebrews 4:12)
Pray: Prayer is our way of staying connected to God. In fact, the Bible directs us to pray (Mark 14:38) and to "pray without ceasing." (1 Thessalonians 5:17) Prayer is where we not only bring our requests, but where we praise Him, thank Him, and hear from Him. He will give us direction in battle! Jesus himself got alone to pray to to the Father, often expressing joy, grief, sorrow, longings, and needs. (Luke 22:42, Matthew 14:23) He is our ultimate model of the need for, and power of prayer.
Fellowship: We weren't meant to do life alone. There is power when we gather in His name (Matthew 18:20), and iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17) in warfare. Through formal gatherings like church service, Bible studies, and small groups, as well as informal friend and family networks, we need one another on the battlefield.
Flee from Evil: Fleeing from evil begins by guarding our hearts and minds. (2 Cor. 10:5) If we wait until we are tempted to act, it is often too late. Remember, it's not only "bad things" that are evil. We have to redirect our hearts and minds any time something other than God dominates our thoughts and desires.
The battles are difficult, but be encouraged that the war is already won. We don't have the power to fight on our own, but "He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world." (1 John 4:4)
Thankfully, yes! One of the miracles of walking in faith is that we can experience peace and joy in any circumstance, even when we're exhausted and hurting. Peace, Joy, Rest, and Hope on the JourneyIs There Any Rest As We Persevere?
² Medicine for the Distracted - Charles Haddon Spurgeon June 8, 1873