Peace, Joy, and Rest in Times of Suffering
2 Corinthians 1:5, 2 Timothy 3:12, Romans 12:12, Phillipians 1:29, Matthew 7:25, John 16:33
Life isn't easy. If we're being honest, it can sometimes be overwhelming. We live in a broken world where poor health can strike unexpectedly, where jobs can be lost, where we feel unloved, where others do us harm, where financial hardships exist, where loved ones suffer and pass away, where marriages are strained, and a host of other challenges. In the most difficult seasons, we may have trouble sleeping or waking to face the day because the weight is so heavy. And these difficult seasons can last for weeks, months, years, or even decades. Be thankful if you haven't yet walked through much suffering, but know that those days will come.
Christians are not spared from these trials and difficulties. But the miracle of a supernaturally transformed life is that even while we're suffering, we can simultaneously experience peace, joy, and rest!
We have to hold tight to Jesus and the living water He gives, like a tree whose roots go deeper to underground rivers when the heat and droughts come. (Jeremiah 17:7, Psalm 1:3) This is one of the most precious earthly gifts of salvation that we can experience. The pain doesn't disappear, but praise God that there is a comfort in sensing His presence, by our side in a real way. He literally lives in us through the Holy Spirit, and we rest knowing that He is good, He is in control, and He has a perfect plan for us and our loved ones.